How Does Internet Can Transmit Data So Fast?

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Maybe we all think accessing the internet is a trivial thing. However, there is a complicated process for you to access the internet and finally be able to see this site. The internet is a great thing because you can access information quickly and even with a small device like a smartphone. Then, how does the internet work?

The internet is a global system of computers that are interconnected or connected via a mutually agreed upon internet protocol (Internet Protocol/IP). With the internet, you can access any information with any device, as long as you have a network that is connected to the internet.

If you use Wi-Fi at home or work, all connected computers or devices are usually called Local Area Networks or LANs. LAN consists of all computer devices connected to one router. And the router is connected to the internet network, so it can be said that the internet is also a computer network but with global coverage.

In conclusion, the internet is a globally connected computer network. Everything is connected thanks to the physical cables that are under the road, and under the sea that surrounds the earth so that all communications can be carried out. Apart from hardware, the software also takes on the role of managing all network traffic in the background. So, when you type the right site, then your computer will go to the right server.

Explanation Of How The Internet Works

In this section, I will briefly explain what happens when you visit this site. Here’s how it works:

1. Connected with Modem/Router

Your computer or smartphone can be connected to the web via a modem or router. Together, these devices connect to networks on the other side of the world. Your router can unite all computers in one network and it is the modem that is in charge of connecting it to the ISP or Internet Service Provider which is usually obtained via cable. It is this ISP that provides internet access and there are quite many options of internet service providers you can find.

2. Type in the website address

When you type the website address in the browser and press the enter key, the address will be connected to the ISP and the ISP is also connected to the DNS or Domain Name Server.

Next, your browser will look for the IP address from the address you typed via DNS. You could say that DNS is like a book containing site addresses that you can find on the internet and IP addresses based on numbers.

For example, some sites will have an IP address with a number combination, and each site has a different IP address. Additional information, server location affects the access speed of a site. And fortunately, the site has a server in many countries, so access is faster when compared to servers abroad.

3. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Your browser will send an HTTP request to the destination server using TCP/IP. Then if all goes well, the destination server will send a “200 OK” signal. Only then will all elements such as text and images in the form of data being sent.

4. The browser displays the data

From this data, your browser will display all the data so you can read it like this site.

Protocols on the Internet or Internet Protocol can be said as rules. On the internet, there are also rules so that we can enjoy the information. One of them discussed earlier is HTTP or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. This protocol is used to view the web in a browser. Therefore every time we visit a site there is the word “HTTP” in front of it.

Apart from that, other protocols that you may have heard of are TCP or Transmission Control Protocol and IP or Internet Protocol. Usually, the terms of these 2 protocols are combined into one, namely TCP / IP.

This TCP / IP protocol functions to ensure that every data packet that is transferred can be delivered without any data being lost. If data is found that has not been sent or is lost, then TCP will resend it.

The workings of the internet can finally be understood. The internet is a very important thing in today’s era. We very rarely think about how the internet works and I hope that with this article, we can appreciate this internet technology and can use it for positive things.

The internet is a complex structure and system where many processes must be passed until the data you are looking for can be found quickly on the internet. These are all things that make it easier for you to find what you need on the internet. Those are some things that you can understand in terms of how data can move quickly on the internet. Hopefully, you can understand and benefit from the reviews above.