10 Simple Ways To Entertain Yourself At Home

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The boredom of course often hit you when you’re at home. Especially for those of you who live alone, not having friends to talk to can be one of the factors that make you feel bored. You don’t need to be afraid of feeling lonely, because doing some things alone can make you know yourself better.

If you are feeling sufficiently drained by work or life problems, you need to take time to seek entertainment. You don’t need to go far to entertain yourself, just from home without needing to spend your budget, just enough time.

How to Entertain Yourself At Home?

It turns out that having fun is also more beneficial. In addition to releasing stress by entertaining yourself, it can also maintain your mental health. For those of you who are curious about how to entertain yourself from home, please read the article about 10 free ways to entertain yourself at home:

1. Hot Shower

Taking a hot bath can relax the muscles in your body, and calm your mind, so you feel refreshed. Hot showers also don’t cost much and you can do them whenever you’re tired. If you have some aromatherapy you can also put it in the bath so you can feel more relaxed.

While soaking in hot water, you can also read a book, listen to your favorite song, or just stay silent and daydream.

2. Skin Masking

Using a face mask will give you 15 minutes to yourself. You can lie down and relax. Once finished, the mind becomes calmer and the face is fresh. In addition to getting a sense of calm, using a face mask can also ensure the health of your facial skin.

3. Meditate

Of course, meditation can provide various benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. You can meditate for at least 5 minutes per day, here are some of the benefits you will get through meditation:

  • Increase immunity
  • Reducing pain and inflammation
  • Give Happiness
  • Reducing anxiety, depression, and stress
  • Increase productivity
  • Increase self-control

4. Call Friends

Take some time for yourself and call your best friend. You can confide in any problems to friends, or just small talk to get laughs.

Or maybe if you like crowds, you can do a telephone group so you can talk with more friends.

5. Read Books

Reading books can be an excuse to “get out” of life and escape reality for a while, choose the type of reading you like so that you get carried away with the book.

6. Watch Your Favorite TV Series or Movies

One way to “escape” from the real world besides reading is to watch a marathon of your favorite TV series or movie. This relaxing time will make your body relaxed and happier.

If you already feel that life is hard enough, you can choose a light film genre, which can make you laugh without having to think about the plot.

7. Tidy up the House

A tidy house often makes you feel more relieved. If you want to pamper yourself productively, tidying up your house is a great option.

Decluttering your home can be a great activity to lift your mood and clear your head. Because seeing the neat state of the house will make you feel more comfortable.

8. Journaling

You can buy a journal or just use a regular notebook. In it, write down all your thoughts, record your ideas, write self-reflections, or use it as a tool to set and achieve goals.

Spending at least 10 minutes per day journaling means you are focused on yourself. You become more calm and reflective. Because when writing a journal, there are so many ideas and emotions that you express through writing.

9. Cooking

By cooking you can spend your free time usefully, besides being able to learn new recipes you can also enjoy the results of your own cooking.

You can cook the food menu that you like or just make a snack that you want to enjoy. When you have finished cooking you can eat the results of the cooking while watching your favorite series.

10. Gardening

If the weather permits, step outside to get some fresh air, then immerse yourself in some gardening activity.

Fresh air can refresh the mind, and gardening can be a relaxing and shooting activity that doesn’t need to be draining.


Those are 10 free ways to entertain yourself at home. Hopefully the 10 points above can inspire you to spend time in a fun and inexpensive way, even if it’s just from home.

Apart from that, I hope the 10 free ways to entertain yourself at home methods above can improve your mood and enthusiasm again, so that after enjoying your time off you can be productive again when you start working. Have a relaxing time!